Incepted 30 years ago in 1993, it has its commencement from the grassroot level -that is a family Sahityotsav. Crossing the levels of units,sectors, divisions,districts and 26 states in the country, it finds its actualization in the national level each year.
As a prime aim,Sahityotsav is focusing on the embellishment of the creativity of thousands and more students across the country, and now it became one of the towering figures in the realm Of cultural festivals of India.
Sahityotsav has its assets of thousands of young vibrant studentdom who have came forward to meet the need of the time in its various aspects. They are ready to question all the anti social hullabaloos using their talents like writing, drawing, criticizing... etc.

As a perennial journey of creativity Sahityotsav is now turning to its 30th edition which is to be held at the capital city of state from August for 4-13 with multitudes of social cultural literary and artistic manifestations.
Sahityotsav Award
As the name suggest, Sahityotsav is a festival of literatures. As certain,literature marks and remarks the life as such and to pave the ways of answers ahead- where the man sees his limitations.Unlike the so called Literary Festivals, Sahityotsav truly marks unique of its kind especially initiated and led by a students movement in India. It paramountly aims to search and find the real "human" and "humanity" in the time of socio political chaos thus giving a dignified status and the diligent meaning to the life.